Prof. Dr. MSc. Stéphane Galland is the Director (and Executive Director) of the research laboratory on Distributed Knowledge and Distributed Artificial Intelligence – CIAD UR 7733 – of “Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard” – UTBM – and “Université Bourgogne Europe” – UBE – (21 full-time Researchers, ~25 PhD students, ~3 Postdocs, ~15 Research engineers) from 2024 to 2028. He has co-created CIAD in 2019 and was its Deputy Director from 2019 to 2023. Since 2024, he is member of the French National Thematic Group (GTN) on Transport in relation with the National Public Policy and the European Commission. Since 2023, he is expert member chosen and appointed by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion to the National Evaluation and Selection Committee – COMEVAL – for all the French researchers associated to this Ministry (~500 Researchers). He was also the Head of the international programs ARFITEC-17-10 and ARFITEC-19-11 from 2017 to 2023 related to the exchanges of Researchers and engineering student between UTBM and Argentinian universities. After being graduated in Formal Computer Science of “Université de Franche-Comté” in 1998, he received his PhD in Computer Science from “Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne” in 2001. Between his PhD graduation and the creation of CIAD, he was the Head of the research groups on agent-based simulation of the research laboratory “Systèmes et Transport” of UTBM from 2022 to 2016; and on smart environments of the research laboratory “Electronique, Informatique et Image” of UB and UTBM from 2017 to 2018.
His personal research interests are focused on the original domain of “Agent-oriented Software Engineering” and “Agent-based Simulation”, two sub-fields of artificial intelligence, applied to Transportation, Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Energy, Industry 4.0 and e-Health issues. He is one of the creators and major authors of the ASPECS design and implementation methodology, the SARL agent programming language and the Janus software agent platform. He has supervised 11 PhD students and 23 master students. He has also built up and coordinated numerous academic and industrial projects. For example, from 2018 to 2023, he was responsible of 6 academic projects, including two EU projects (H2020, EDIH) and 6 projects with private companies, for a total budget of 1.7M€. He was the scientific referent for the Voxelia spin-off company from 2009 to 2014. In 2022, he was also at the origin of the creation of another spin-off company that is currently in pre-maturation stage in France. Professor Stéphane Galland has published 36 International Peer-Reviewed Journals, he has participated to 92 International Peer-Reviewed Conferences with Proceedings, 11 National Peer-Reviewed Conferences with Proceedings, 23 oral presentation and posters in International Peer-Reviewed Conferences with Proceedings. He has also published 1 scientific book, 4 chapter in scientific books. He is the author and owner of 7 software with 2 protected by EU patents.
In addition to his teaching activities at UTBM and UTSEUS, Professor Stéphane Galland was invited for giving seminars and lectures in multiagent systems in different universities across the World: Shanghai University (2019), Shanghai Tongji University (2023), Tunisia Sfax University (2016-2020), Belgium Hasselt University (2016-2018), France “Arts et Métiers Chalon sur Saône” (from 2022), France Burgundy University (from 2018).
Major research interests:
- Complex systems:
- Organization-oriented software engineering
- Holonic systems
- Cyber-physical systems
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence:
- Multiagent systems
- Agent-oriented software engineering
- Agent-oriented programming languages
- Simulation:
- Agent-based simulation
- Multilevel simulation
- Applications:
- Smart cities
- Intelligent transport systems
- Urban simulation
- e-Health
- Virtual life simulation
Publication | Author | Year | Type | Download |
Rank | Category | Start year | Acronym | Scientific Title | Funding scheme | Period |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2020 | ReDREAM | Real Consumer Engagement through a New User‐Centric Ecosystem Development for End‐Users’Assets in a Multi‐Market Scenario | H2020 - Horizon 2020 | 2020-2024 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2019 | SMART-E2AU | Modélisation d’Entités Autonomes et Apprenantes et d’Usagers en interaction dans les villes intelligentes | Local institution | 2019-2021 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2021 | AIDD4H | AIDD4H Labcom - Phase 2 - Artificial fo Drug Repositionning | ANR - Agence Nationale pour le Recherche | 2021-2025 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2017 | UrbanFly | Comprendre et gérer le trafic de drones dans des villes intelligentes | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Province | 2017-2020 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2021 | SMART-X | Laboratoire d’expérimentation en distanciel et en réalité mixte pour la robotique et l’intelligence artificielle appliquées aux smart-cities et smart-buildings | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Province | 2021-2023 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2015 | ASTRES | Alstom Simulator for Training and Engineering Support | French Company | 2015-2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2016 | S&A | Agent-based Modeling of the Social and Economic Factors affecting the Choice of Transportation Mode: Application to the Beirut city | European Company | 2016-2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2018 | Trinseo | Development of an automated extraction of standing alarms from the DCS | European Company | 2018-2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2019 | IQAir | Software development for the air quality data acquisition and processing | European Company | 2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2019 | Logitud | Outils d'anticipation des évolutions des collectivités locales | French Company | 2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2019 | Spores API | Développement d'une API logicielle pour le drone Spores | French Company | 2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | AI4RIM-UTBM | Modélisation et planification de chantiers ferroviaires à base de modélisation des connaissances métier et d’intelligence artificielle | Other French funds | 2020-2022 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | Colleag 1 | Analyse des mécanismes spatio-temporels dans le cadre d'une application de co-voiturage professionnel multi-entreprise et conception d'un outil d'appariement de co-voitureurs basé sur l'adaptation d'un algorithme d'optimisation par métaheuristique, multi-agent et multi-critère | French Company | 2020 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2022 | DEDIHCATED-BFC | DEvelop Digital Innovation Hub to Create and Accompany new Trends in European inDustries in Bourgogne- Franche-Comté | EDIH - European Digital Innovation Hubs | 2022-2025 |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 2007 | SARL | SARL Agent programming language and Janus execution framework | 2007- | |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 1999 | AFC | Arakhnê Foundation Classes | 1999- | |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 2014 | Xtext | Language development framework for the Eclipse IDE | 2014- | |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 2015 | Hazelcast | Hazelcast Platform | 2015- | |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 2015 | Checkstyle | Checkstyle Java Framework | 2015- | |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 2017 | LaTeX for Sublime Text | LaTeX tools for the Sublime TeXt editor | 2017- | |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2019 | FogTraSim | Agent-based Models and Implementation for the Simulation of Road Traffic in Foggy Weather Conditions | International University | 2019-2020 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2022 | SmartBuildingVr | An Intelligent Augmented Reality System for Smart Construction in the UAE | International University | 2022-2023 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2023 | TECTONIC | An environmenTal knowlEdge-based approaCh to real-time navigaTiOn of uNmanned aerIal vehiCles beyond GNSS | Institut Carnot | 2023-2024 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2023 | PHC-UCL-23 | Multilevel and optimal image processing through a cooperative and competitive holonic multiagent approach | PHC - Partenariats Hubert Curien | 2023-2025 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2024 | EVS-SOTA-24 | Etude de l’état de l’art et conception d’un cahier des charges préliminaire pour la maintenance curative et prédictive d’une flotte de véhicules industriels en utilisant une approche basée sur l’intelligence artificielle | French Company | 2024 |
Rank | Supervision Level | Year | Supervised person | Description |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2025 | Luzolo Pedro Hilario |
Distributed artificial intelligence and intelligent agents: Application of Green energy into smart cities by IoT integrated systems
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Zeina El Rawashdesh (ICAM, France) , Igor Tchappi (UL, Luxembourg) |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2025 | Soualhi Takieddine |
Contribution à la perception et à la planification et commande coopératives de robots dans un environnement incertain
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Yassine Ruichek (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Nathan Crombez (UTBM, France) , Alexandre Lombard (UTBM, France) |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2019 | Mualla Yazan |
Explaining the Behavior of Remote Robots to Humans: An Agent-based Approach
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Christophe Nicolle (uB, France) |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2020 | Zhao Hui |
Agent-based Model for the Rescheduling of Individual and Collective Daily Activities under Uncertainties
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Tom Bellemans (UHasselt, Belgium) , Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (UHasselt, Belgium) |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2020 | Tchappi Igor |
Dynamic Multilevel and Holonic Model for the Simulation of a Large-Scale Complex System with Spatial Environment - Application to Road Traffic
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Jean-Claude Kamgang (UN, Cameroon) , Vivien Corneille Kamla (UN, Cameroon) |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2018 | El-Amine Samar |
Agent-based Modeling of the Social and Economic Factors affecting the Choice of Transportation Mode: Application to the Beirut city
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Abderrafiaa Koukam (UTBM, France) , Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (UHasselt, Belgium) |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2025 | Stephan-Schutz Simon |
Contribution à la modélisation et à l’explication de l’identification de cibles thérapeutiques en utilisant des modèles d’intelligence artificielle hybride basés sur la modélisation de connaissances et des systèmes multiagents
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Bourgogne, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Ouassila Narsis Labbani (uB, France) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2014 | Buisson Jocelyn |
Un modèle d'environnement pour la simulation multi-agents de déplacement en milieu urbain
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Abderrafiaa Koukam (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Michael Goncalves |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2012 | Demange Jonathan |
Un modèle d’environnement pour la simulation multiniveau : application à la simulation de foules
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Abderrafiaa Koukam (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2008 | Gaud Nicolas |
Systèmes Multi-Agents Holoniques: de l'analyse à l'implantation. Méta-modèle, méthodologie et simulation multi-niveaux
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Abderrafiaa Koukam (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2025 | Kapparova Ainur |
Intelligent control system for building energy consumption and occupant comfort
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Directors and supervisors: Ahmet Saymbetov (KAZNU, Kazakhstan) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2006 | Jura Nikodem |
Attribute Edition Improvement in MetroB Application
Krakow Jagiellonian University, Poland
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2022 | Davey Andrew |
Design and implementation of a multiagent simulator for aerial drones
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) , Sebastian Rodriguez (RMIT, Australia) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2022 | Walujkar Shreyas |
Design and implementation of a multiagent simulator for green traffic
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) , Sebastian Rodriguez (RMIT, Australia) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2025 | Manjah Dani |
Joint multi-method multi-sensor optimization through an holonic agent architecture
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Benoît Macq (UCL, Belgium) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
10 | Supervisor of Other Students | 2021 | Ruichek Ayoub |
Modélisation d’écoulement de fluide dans les canaux de pile à combustible à membrane échangeuses de protons
Université de Franche-Comté, France
Directors and supervisors: Daniela Chrenko (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
5 | Member of PhD monitoring committees | 2025 | Jacquier Alice |
Jeux sérieux pour explorer la mobilité de demain
Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Directors and supervisors: Marlène Villanova-Olivier (UGA, France) , Carole Adam (UGA, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
5 | Member of PhD monitoring committees | 2025 | Zavantis Dimitrios |
Automatic accident detection and notification system using IoT-based vehicular environment and an internet of smart(speed)-cameras for traffic light optimization
Hasselt University, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (UHasselt, Belgium) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
5 | Member of PhD monitoring committees | 2025 | Gharrad Hana |
Hierarchical Analysis Process for Belief Management in Internet of Drones
Hasselt University, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Bruno Kochan (UHasselt, Belgium) , Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (UHasselt, Belgium) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
5 | Member of PhD monitoring committees | 2024 | Al Abri Khalid |
Towards an Intelligent Framework for Mobility Management
Hasselt University, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (UHasselt, Belgium) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
5 | Member of PhD monitoring committees | 2022 | El Hansali Youssef |
Future of Traffic Enforcement in Transition Time to Autonomous Vehicles
Hasselt University, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (UHasselt, Belgium) , Fatma Outay (ZU, United Arab Emirates) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2021 | Fekih Mariem |
Leveraging cellular network signaling data for origin-destination matrix construction and travel patterns extraction in large-scale areas
Hasselt University, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Tom Bellemans (UHasselt, Belgium) , Zbigniew Smoreda , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
5 | Member of PhD monitoring committees | 2017 | Hussain Iftikhar |
Agent- based Simulation Model and Matching Support Framework for Carpooling
Hasselt University, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Davy Janssens (UHasselt, Belgium) , Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (UHasselt, Belgium) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2021 | Mizero Marie Louise |
State of the art and evaluation of simulation models for fuel and electric-based vehicles energy consumption and CO2 emissions
Hasselt University, Belgium
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Abdeljalil Abbas-Turki (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2020 | Gracian Vishal Angelo |
Survey of Behavior Models for Drivers in Development Countries and Implementation of a Driver Behavior in a Multiagent Simulator
Hasselt University, Belgium
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2020 | Nsengiyunva Olive Ladouce |
Langage informatique descriptif de politiques de mobilités pour la simulation d’aménagements urbains dans les villes intelligentes
Hasselt University, Belgium
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2017 | Matsushita André |
Study of the models and software for the drone simulation in the context of urban cities
Hasselt University, Belgium
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
8 | Member of master or engineer monitoring committees | 2022 | Noubli Ahmed |
Optimisation et gestion du trafic routier
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Alexandre Lombard (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
8 | Member of master or engineer monitoring committees | 2015 | Pageaud Simon |
Distributed Interaction Spaces for collaborative and contextualized learning situations
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2012 | Iraolagoitia Andres |
Analysis, design and implementation of advanced 3D models for pedagogical study cases
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Michael Goncalves |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2011 | Gaumet Charles |
Native Compilation of the Multiagent Platform JaSIM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Sebastian Rodriguez (UTNT, Argentina) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2011 | Grosjean Arnaud |
Toward the edition of scenarios for 3D or virtual reality agent- based simulations
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Michael Goncalves |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2010 | Jost Jérémie |
Design of software componants for 3D simulation
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Michael Goncalves |
9 | Director of Other Students | 2004 | Ehrhart Philippe |
Online and intelligent bets for the Chess world championship 2005
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
9 | Director of Other Students | 2004 | Froehly Nicolas |
Realtime project on cinema screens for an international chess championship
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
9 | Director of Other Students | 2022 | Thievent Kylian |
Stage d'observation en milieu professionnel (Collège)
Collège Victor Schoelcher de Champagney, France
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2007 | Monnin Thomas |
Urban simulation in virtual reality - holonic simulation of vehicles and pedestrians
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2020 | Parmar Rahul |
State of art of applications of machine learning and multiagent systems in smart city applications
CY Tech (ex Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information d'Evry), France
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2006 | Ajouad Mohamed A. |
Bus Scheduling in Metro-B Simulator
CY Tech (ex Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information d'Evry), France
Director or supervisor: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2022 | Kuete Tchadje Williams |
Place retrieval and recognition from aerial images
Ecole navale de Brest, France
Directors and supervisors: Yassine Ruichek (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Mohamed Kas (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2022 | Wettlaufer Louis |
Place retrieval and recognition from aerial images
Ecole navale de Brest, France
Directors and supervisors: Yassine Ruichek (UTBM, France) , Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Mohamed Kas (UTBM, France) |
Rank | Position | Year | Candidate | Description |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2024 | Al Abri Khalid |
Enabling Smart Mobility via Enhanced Support of Driving Behaviors, Safety, and Experience
Hasselt University, Belgium
Promoters or directors: Yasar Ansar-Ul-Haque , Janssens Davy , Jabeur Nafaa |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2024 | Idoudi Hassan |
Dynamic Population Evacuation
Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Promoters or directors: Rachedi Abderrezak , Zargayouna Mahdi , Mostafa Ameli , Nguyen Van Phu Cyril |
24 | Examiner in an HDR jury in France | 2023 | Narsis Labbani Ouassila |
Ingénierie de connaissances et de raisonnement hybrides au plus proche de l’humain
Université Bourgogne Franche Comté, France
Promoters or directors: Nicolle Christophe |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2023 | Wiart Jean-Baptiste |
Approche de co-simulation hiérarchique pour l’étude des échanges d’énergie des micro-réseaux
Université de Lorraine, France
Promoters or directors: Chevrier Vincent , Metter Denis |
9 | Examiner in a PhD jury out of France | 2022 | El Hansali Youssef |
Future of Traffic Enforcenment in Transition Time to Autonomous Vehicles
Hasselt University, Belgium
Promoters or directors: Outay Fatma , Yasar Ansar-Ul-Haque |
17 | President of a PhD jury in France | 2022 | Zhang Meng |
A contribution to the control of multi-agent system: Application to management of conflicts between pedestrians and connected autonomous vehicles in industrial areas
Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard, France
Promoters or directors: Abbas-Turki Abdeljalil , Koukam Abderrafiaa |
17 | President of a PhD jury in France | 2021 | Du Wendan |
Contribution à la fluidification du trafic basée sur la formation de pelotons de véhicules autonomes et les carrefours connectés et intelligents
Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard, France
Promoters or directors: Abbas-Turki Abdeljalil |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2021 | Ticherahine Anissa |
Modélisation et exploration de données liées à la consommation
Université de Haute-Alsace, France
Promoters or directors: Makhlouf Abdenacer , Wira Patrice |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2021 | Missaoui Ezzine |
Approche de Spécification, Vérification et Raffinement des Exigences Non Fonctionnelles pour les Systèmes Autonomes Complexes
Université de Manouba, Tunisia
Promoters or directors: Bhiri Sami , Mazigh Belhassen |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2021 | Vuurstaek Jan |
Transport Simulation Tools
Université de Hasselt, Belgium
Promoters or directors: Bellemans Tom , Janssens Davy |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2021 | Alsalloum Hala |
Gestion décentralisée des interactions complexes entre producteurs et consommateurs d’énergie électrique
Université de Technologie de Troyes, France
Promoters or directors: Merghem-Boulahia Leia , Rahim Rana |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2020 | Boufedji Dounia |
Une approche d’ingénierie multi-agents à base de LdPL (Lignes de Produits Logiciels)
Sorbonnes Université Paris, France
Promoters or directors: Guessoum Zahia , Mokhtari Aicha , Zaidi Tewfik |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2020 | Nath Amar |
A Distributed Approach for Collaborative Task Execution in a Dynamic Environment
Indian Institute of Technology of Roorkee, India
Promoters or directors: Niyogi Rajdeep |
17 | President of a PhD jury in France | 2020 | Liu Rongrong |
Multispectral Images Based Background Subtraction Using Codebook and Deep Learning Approaches
Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard, France
Promoters or directors: El Bagdouri Mohammed , Ruichek Yassine |
17 | President of a PhD jury in France | 2019 | Lambachri Tariq |
Fouille de motifs évolutifs dans un contexte big data pour l’exploration de données cliniques
Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard, France
Promoters or directors: Hajjam el Hassani Amir |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2019 | Belghache Elhadi |
AMAS4BigData : Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems for Dynamic Big Data Analytics
Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France
Promoters or directors: Gleizes Marie-Pierre , Georgé Jean-Pierre |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2019 | Pageaud Simon |
SmartGOV : Architecture générique pour la co-construction de politiques urbaines basée sur l’apprentissage par renforcement multi-agent
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Promoters or directors: Hassas Salima |
4 | Reviewer of an HDR out of France | 2019 | Hadj Kacem Hatem |
Contribution à la spécification et à la vérification des systèmes distribués
Université de Sfax, Tunisia
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2019 | Paris Thomas |
Modélisation de systèmes complexes par composition : une démarche hiérarchique pour la co-simulation de composants hétérogènes
Université de Lorraine, France
Promoters or directors: Chevrier Vincent |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2018 | Grivault Ludovic |
Architecture multi-agent pour la conception et l’ordonnancement de systèmes multi-senseurs embarqués sur plateformes aéroportées
Sorbonne-Université Paris, France
Promoters or directors: El Fallah Seghrouchni Amal |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2018 | Gomez Morales Mauricio |
Hybrid cloud model checking using the interaction layer of HARMS for ambient assistive living environments
Purdue University, United States
Promoters or directors: Matson Eric , Springer John , Min Byung-Cheol , Chibani Abdelghani |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2018 | El Guedria Zina |
Assistance à la recherche documentaire par une approche adapatative à base d’agents et d’artefacts
INSA Rouen, France
Promoters or directors: Vercouter Laurent |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2018 | Ollite Iyad |
Improving RESTful Services Performance on Mobile Devices using a Two- Tier Web Caching System
University of Technology, Mauritius
Promoters or directors: Mohamudally Nawaz , Nissanke Nimal |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2017 | Hussain Iftikhar |
Agent-based Simulation Model and Matching Support Framework for Carpooling
Hasselt University, Belgium
Promoters or directors: Janssens Davy |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2017 | Pette Ferdinand |
Intergiciel agent pour le déploiement et la configuration d’applications distribuées dans des environnements ambiants
Université Pierre et Marie Currie Paris 6, France
Promoters or directors: El Fallah Seghrouchni Amal , Dinont Cédric |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2016 | Wang Leye |
Facilitating Mobile Crowdsensing from both Organizers’ and Participants’ Perspectives
Université Pierre et Marie Currie Paris 6, France
Promoters or directors: Zhang Daqing , Mhamed Abdallah |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2015 | Sari Barus Lita |
Contribution to the Intercity Modal Choice considering the Intracity Transport Systems: Application of an Adapted Mixed Multinomial Logit Model for the Jakarta-Bandung Corridor
Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Promoters or directors: Batoz Jean-Louis , Martell-Flores Hipolito , Pranowo Hadiwardoyo Sigit |
5 | Reviewer of a PhD out of France | 2015 | Lutzenberger Marco |
Cause and Effect – An Agent-based Approach to Simulate Strategic Level Driver Behavior
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Promoters or directors: Albayrak Şahin |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2015 | Xiong Haoyi |
Quasi-Optimal Mobile Crowdsensing: Cadre de conception et algorithmes
Université Pierre et Marie Currie Paris 6, France
Promoters or directors: Becker Monique , Zhang Daqing , Gauthier Vincent |
Rank | Type of invitation | Year | Name | Description |
4 | Invitations out of France | 2025 |
Engineering Complex IT Systems with Multiagent Systems
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals University, Saudi Arabia
Inviter: El Ali Bassam Mohammad Omar From 2025-02-03 to 2025-02-08 |
4 | Invitations out of France | 2023 |
Multiagent approach for transportation
Shanghai Tonji University, China
Inviter: Li Li From 2023-11-20 to 2023-12-24 |
1 | Guest PhD students from out of France | 2023 | Manjah Dani |
Multilevel and optimal image processing through a cooperative and competitive holonic multi-agent approach
Université Catholique of Louvain, Belgium
From 2023-10-23 to 2023-10-27 |
0 | Guest professors from out of France | 2023 | Tedeschi Stefano |
Extension of the SARL agent programming langage with interaction protocols and agent-centric runtime exceptions
Università di Torino, Italy
From 2023-09-21 to 2023-10-06 |
4 | Invitations out of France | 2023 |
Extension of the SARL agent programming langage with interaction protocols and agent-centric runtime exceptions
Università di Torino, Italy
Inviter: Baldoni Matteo From 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-15 |
3 | Guest PhD students from France | 2019 | Wiart Jean-Baptiste |
Implementation of DSL with Xtext
INRIA Nancy, France
From 2019-10-28 to 2019-10-31 |
4 | Invitations out of France | 2019 |
Agent-based modeling of drones - High Foreign Talent Program
Shanghai University, China
Inviter: Tu Xiaowei From 2019-10-01 to 2019-10-31 |
0 | Guest professors from out of France | 2019 | Jabeur Nafaa |
Agent-oriented modeling of IoT and swarm of drones
German University of Technology in Oman, Oman
From 2019-06-11 to 2019-07-20 |
1 | Guest PhD students from out of France | 2019 | Ngounou Ntoukam Emmanuel Dimitry |
Agent-based modeling of a population of mirids in cocoa farms
Ngaoundéré University, Cameroon
From 2019-02-01 to 2019-05-31 |
0 | Guest professors from out of France | 2019 | Rodriguez Sebastian |
SARL agent-oriented programming language
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
From 2019-02-01 to 2019-02-28 |
0 | Guest professors from out of France | 2018 | Tu Xiaowei |
Agent-oriented simulation of drones
Shanghai University, China
From 2018-06-18 to 2018-07-17 |
0 | Guest professors from out of France | 2018 | Rodriguez Sebastian |
SARL agent-oriented programming language
GITIA Laboratory, Tucuman, Argentina
From 2018-06-11 to 2018-06-24 |
4 | Invitations out of France | 2017 |
Joint Research Programs on Mobility and Transport, and Large-scale agent-based modeling and simulation for transport and mobility
Hasselt University, Belgium
Inviter: Yasar Ansar-Ul-Haque From 2017-10-01 to 2017-11-30 |
0 | Guest professors from out of France | 2017 | Yasar Ansar-Ul-Haque |
Joint Research Programs on Mobility and Transport, and Large-scale agent-based modeling and simulation for transport and mobility
Hasselt University, Belgium
From 2017-05-22 to 2017-07-22 |
4 | Invitations out of France | 2016 |
Joint Research Programs on Mobility and Transport, and Large-scale agent-based modeling and simulation for transport and mobility
Hasselt University, Belgium
Inviter: Yasar Ansar-Ul-Haque From 2016-10-01 to 2016-11-30 |
1 | Guest PhD students from out of France | 2014 | Abed Omar |
Agent-based Modeling of Freight
Hasselt University, Belgium
From 2014-04-02 to 2014-04-30 |
1 | Guest PhD students from out of France | 2014 | Knapen Luk |
Agent-based modeling of Intelligent Transport Systems
Hasselt University, Belgium
From 2014-01-12 to 2014-01-26 |
1 | Guest PhD students from out of France | 2013 | Knapen Luk |
Agent-based modeling of Intelligent Transport Systems
Hasselt University, Belgium
From 2013-05-27 to 2013-06-21 |
4 | Invitations out of France | 2012 |
ARFITEC program on agent-based modeling and simulation
CITAT Laboratory, Tucuman, Argentina
Inviter: Rodriguez Sebastian From 2012-08-15 to 2012-09-15 |
Activity Rank | Activity | Start | Acronym | Title | Language | Files |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2007 | MA76 |
Intelligence artificielle pour le jeu sérieux
Formation doctorale de l'école doctorale SPIM ED 37
Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France Since 2007 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2016 | DTS-UH |
Agent-based modeling and agent-oriented programming with the SARL language
Doctoral degree in transport science
Hasselt University, Belgium 2016 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2023 | TONGJI-108010201 |
System Analysis and Optimization - Introduction to distributed artificial intelligence
Master in Computer Science
Tongji University, China Since 2023 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2022 | CNAM-IASD-SMA |
Introduction aux systèmes multiagents
Master par alternance en Intelligence artificielle et sciences des données
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France Since 2022 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2022 | CCPS-MAS |
Multi-agent systems: An introduction to distributed artificial intelligence
Master on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
Université de technologie sino-européenne de Shanghai, China Since 2022 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2021 | AI51 |
Multiagent systems and distributed problem solving
Ingénieur informatique UTBM et Master IOT de la COMUE Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France Since 2021 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2021 | DA50 |
Projet de développement informatique avancé
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France Since 2021 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2021 | DA53 |
Language theory and compilation
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France Since 2021 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2021 | IA-SMA |
Introduction to multiagent systems and simulation
Master Intelligence artificielle et santé
Université de Bourgogne, France Since 2021 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2021 | MO50 |
Projet de génie logiciel et de modélisation
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France Since 2021 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2021 | MO52 |
Software Engineering
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France Since 2021 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2019 | UE1-M1 |
Intelligence artificielle distribuée pour le transport et la mobilité
Master Smart City et gestion de la donnée
Université de Bourgogne, France Since 2019 |
A | Current Teaching Activities | 2011 | TO5x |
Projet tutoré de dévéloppement informatique
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France Since 2011 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2022 | IMDS |
Transformation Numérique - Distributed and Hybrid Artificiel Intelligence - Multiagent Systems
Master Ingénierie Mathématique et Data Science
Université de Haute Alsace, France 2022 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2007 | AI51 |
Virtual life simulation
Ingénieur en informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2007-2021 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2016 | GL52 |
Génie logiciel
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2016-2021 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2007 | IA54 |
Multiagent systems and distributed problem solving
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2007-2021 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2016 | FSEG-SMA |
Systèmes multi-agents
Master informatique option génie logiciel
Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion de Sfax, Tunisia 2016-2020 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2016 | MTS-UH |
Agent-based systems for intelligent transport systems
Master in Transport Science
Hasselt University, Belgium 2016 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2011 | LO46 |
Compilation et théorie des langages
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2011-2012 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2011 | CC03 |
Middleware et technologies agents : applications aux réseaux
Master Technologies de l’Information pour le management des Connaissances et des Réseaux
Université de Technologie de Troyes, France 2011-2012 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2008 | LO43 |
Modélisation et programmation orientées objet
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2008-2011 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2003 | VI50 |
Vision et réalité virtuelle
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2003-2011 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2004 | IN55 |
Synthèse d'images
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2004-2008 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2003 | LO51 |
Administration des systèmes d'exploitation et des bases de données
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2003-2008 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2014 | AV2x |
Projet tutoré en multimédia
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2014-2015 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2002 | LO22 |
Introduction à la programmation système
Ingénieur informatique UTBM
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France 2002-2010 |
B | Former Teaching Activities | 2008 | LO02 |
Algorithmie et programmation orientée-objet
Ingénieur informatique UTSEUS
Université de technologie sino-européenne de Shanghai, China 2008-2009 |