Professor Nicolas GAUD, PhD, is a distinguished academic and researcher specializing in computer science and distributed artificial intelligence. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), obtained in 2007, and an engineering degree in Computer Science, alongside a Master’s in Computer Science, Automation, and Manufacturing Systems from the University of Franche-Comté (UFC), both earned in 2005.
Currently, Nicolas Gaud is a Full Professor at UTBM and a researcher at the “Connaissance and Intelligence Artificielle Distribués” (CIAD) laboratory, where his work focuses on advancing knowledge in artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems.
In addition to his academic achievements, Prof. Gaud has also demonstrated entrepreneurial leadership. From 2018 to 2019, he served as the Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder of Wethic Certification, a COFRAC-accredited certification body committed to fostering trust between consumers and brands through the certification of online reviews.
Passionate about innovation and technological development, he is a promoter of the Innovation Crunch Lab, an inspiring collaborative space designed to accelerate the transition from ideas to prototypes and enable user-centered experimentation.
Since 2019, Prof. Gaud has been responsible for the CIAD laboratory’s business unit, managing partnerships with industry and fostering collaborative research initiatives.
In 2021, he was awarded the “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” (HDR) by the University of Haute Alsace, marking a significant milestone in his academic career. His HDR dissertation, titled “Agent-Oriented Software Engineering and Tools for Multi-Agent Simulation,” highlights his contributions to the ASPECS methodology and its CRIO metamodel, as well as to the development of the SARL agent programming language and the Janus agent platform.
Since January 2021, Prof. Gaud has served as the Head of the Energy and IT Department at UTBM, where he continues to combine his expertise in research, education, and innovation to address complex challenges in technology, artificial intelligence and energy systems.
Vallée de l’énergie: Le Cluster Nord-Franc comtois des entreprises de l’énergie | |
Le Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications Green City: Préparer les compétences pour mettre en œuvre la transition énergétique |
Major ongoing projects:
Belfort e-Start | |
Living Lab BADEVEL H2-Bois |
Videos / Audios
- Jeudi 14 mars 2024 à la CCI 90 : Table-ronde sur “Les enjeux du programme nucléaire français”
Voir les articles correspondants sur LeTrois et L’Est Républicain
- Samedi 3 et 10 février 2024: Interview dans l’émission “Commune Planète” sur RCF Besançon-Belfort-Montbéliard: Echanges sur le projet Belfort e-Start et les communautés d’énergie renouvelable
- Mardi 28 novembre 2023: Table-ronde sur la décarbonation du bâtiment avec Néolia, Low Carbon Design, DEA architectes au sein du nouvel UTBM Innovation CRUNCH Lab dans le cadre du Festival des transitions et de la semaine de l’industrie à l’UTBM
- Mercredi 10 mai 2023: A quoi carbureront les villages de demain ? Séquence du 19/20 de France 3 Franche-Comté
- Avril 2023: Courants alternatifs : Extrait d’Enquête de région avril 2023 sur les AMI DVD Belfort e-Start et Badevel H2 bois
- Mardi 17 janvier 2023: Invité sur France 3 Franche-Comté en plateau
à Besançon pour aborder les formations “hydrogène” à l’UTBM Mastère spécialisé Hydrogène-Energie et formations d’ingénieurs Energie et Génie Electrique
Revue de presse / Talks / Interventions
- Jeudi 28 octobre 2024 à la CCI 90: Rencontre Je-Décarbone à Belfort, Rencontre Je-décarbone Belfort-Bourgogne-Franche-comté
- Jeudi 26 octobre 2023 sur France Bleu Bourgogne-Franche-Comté: Au coeur de la décarbonation avec l’association Vallée de l’énergie à Belfort
- Mardi 17 octobre 2023 dans l’Usine Nouvelle: A Belfort, la filière hydrogène se structure de plus en plus solidement
- Mars-Avril 2023 dans En Direct n°305, page 19: Solutions techniques pour transition énergétique – Intelligence énergétique: priorité au tertiaire
- Mardi 15 novembre 2022 dans Le Trois: La ville durable de demain se construit au Techn’Hom à Belfort
- Mercredi 9 novembre 2022 dans l’Est Républicain: Enedis et l’UTBM créent une chaire industrielle : « L’intelligence artificielle va nous aider à piloter des stratégies de gestion de l’énergie »
Research Interests
His main research interests deal with:
- Complex systems:
- Organization-oriented software engineering
- Holonic systems
- Cyber-physical systems
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence:
- Multiagent systems
- Agent-oriented software engineering
- Agent-oriented programming languages: SARL
- Simulation / Digital Twins:
- Multiagent-based simulation / Agent-based simulation
- Multilevel simulation
- Cyber-Physical Systems: Modeling and Simulation
- HIL simulation
- Applications:
- Embedded equipment validation: from full virtual to hardware in the loop. Railway and automotive applications.
- Smartgrids & Intelligent Energy Management Systems
- Smart cities
- Intelligent transport systems
- Urban simulation (Pedestrian simulation, Building validation, Decision-helping tools…)
- Land-use and Transport integrated models (LUTI)
- e-Health
- Virtual life simulation
- 3D and Virtual reality
Rank | Category | Start year | Acronym | Scientific Title | Funding scheme | Period |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2020 | ReDREAM | Real Consumer Engagement through a New User‐Centric Ecosystem Development for End‐Users’Assets in a Multi‐Market Scenario | H2020 - Horizon 2020 | 2020-2024 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2013 | CITiES | Calibration and valIdation of Transport – land-usE modelS | ANR - Agence Nationale pour le Recherche | 2013-2016 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2021 | AIDD4H | AIDD4H Labcom - Phase 2 - Artificial fo Drug Repositionning | ANR - Agence Nationale pour le Recherche | 2021-2025 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2019 | Smart Territoire | Action 2.6 Transformation d’un territoire industriel | PIA - Plan d'Investissement d'Avenir | 2019-2023 |
0 | Projects in competitive calls or with public funding | 2019 | PME-4.0 | PME-4.0 | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Province | 2019-2022 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2015 | Explorys | Explorys | French Company | 2015-2018 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2015 | ASTRES | Alstom Simulator for Training and Engineering Support | French Company | 2015-2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2018 | Explorys3D | Explorys3D | French Company | 2018 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2018 | OSMOSE | Etude et développement d'un système de visualisation 3D de données issues d'un logiciel expert | European University | 2018-2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2019 | IRT RAILENIUM TFA | Modèles et outils pour le test et la validation des algorithmes embarqués de trains autonomes de fret | French Company | 2019-2020 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | Alstom SmartApp v2 | Version 2 de l'application mobile de préchauffage à distance des locomotives | French Company | 2020 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | SharedMove | Développement d'une solution web de gestion de projets clients en SCRUM | French Company | 2020 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2019 | ALTRAN-20-015 | Transfert de connaissances dans le cadre de la préparation au projet TFA - IRT Railenium | French Company | 2019 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | AI4RIM-UTBM | Modélisation et planification de chantiers ferroviaires à base de modélisation des connaissances métier et d’intelligence artificielle | Other French funds | 2020-2022 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2021 | IRT RAILENIUM TFA 21-033 | Modèles et outils pour le test et la validation des algorithmes embarqués de trains autonomes de fret | French Company | 2021 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | IRT RAILENIUM TFA 20-058 | Modèles et outils pour le test et la validation des algorithmes embarqués de trains autonomes de fret | French Company | 2020 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | AVIG | Automatic virtual image generation module for testing and validating the perception/detection algorithms of French wayside rail signaling for autonomous train development validating the perception/detection algorithms of French wayside rail signaling for autonomous train development | French Company | 2020-2021 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | FAAR INDUSTRIE 20-106 | Automatic virtual image generation module for testing and validating the perception/detection algorithms of French wayside rail signaling for autonomous train development. | French Company | 2020-2021 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2020 | Colleag 1 | Analyse des mécanismes spatio-temporels dans le cadre d'une application de co-voiturage professionnel multi-entreprise et conception d'un outil d'appariement de co-voitureurs basé sur l'adaptation d'un algorithme d'optimisation par métaheuristique, multi-agent et multi-critère | French Company | 2020 |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 2007 | SARL | SARL Agent programming language and Janus execution framework | 2007- | |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 1999 | AFC | Arakhnê Foundation Classes | 1999- | |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2021 | Living Lab Badevel H2 Bois | État de l’art et travaux de recherche scientifiques sur les systèmes Smart Grids 4.0 à base d’ENR, d'hydrogène et de bois énergie, et jumeau numérique. | Other French funds | 2021-2024 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2022 | Colleag 2 | Analyse des mécanismes spatio-temporels dans le cadre d'une application de co-voiturage professionnel multi-entreprise et conception d'un outil d'appariement de co-voitureurs basé sur l'adaptation d'un algorithme d'optimisation par métaheuristique, multi-agent et multi-critère | French Company | 2022 |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2022 | IRT RAILENIUM TFA 22-089 | Amélioration de la stabilité et validation du train long V2 | French Company | 2022 |
3 | Open Source projects or freely available on Internet | 2022 | Belfort e-Start | Belfort e-Start : De la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments à la fondation de la communauté d’énergie renouvelable du Techn'hom | 2022-2025 | |
1 | Projects with not academic or socio-economic partners | 2024 | EVS-SOTA-24 | Etude de l’état de l’art et conception d’un cahier des charges préliminaire pour la maintenance curative et prédictive d’une flotte de véhicules industriels en utilisant une approche basée sur l’intelligence artificielle | French Company | 2024 |
- REDREAM: Real Consumer Engagement Through a New User-Centric Ecosystem Devleopment for End-Users’ Assets in a Multi-Market Scenario – H2020 LC-SC3-EC-3-2020 (2020-2023)
- AI4RIM: Artificial Intelligence for Railway Information Modelling (2019-2021)
- Explorys : Assistance to the diagnosis of the train system (2016-2019)
- ASTRES : Alstom Simulator for TRaining and Engineering Support (2015-2017)
- ANR MN CITiES : Calibration and valIdation of Transport – land-usE modelS (2012-2015)
- ANR VTT PANsafer – Toward safer railroad crossing (2009-2012).
- FLO: Immersive, 3D and physics simulator of trains (2010 – 2014)
- SARTRE: Data collection and analysis of Optymo Public Transport Systems (2018-2011)
- CRISTAL: Platooning of Intelligent Vehicles of the Futur (2018-2011)
- MetroB: Evaluation and Simulation of Public Transport Systems (2015-2017)
Publication | Author | Year | Type | Download |
Rank | Supervision Level | Year | Supervised person | Description |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2025 | Brunoud Alexandre |
Intelligence artificielle appliquée aux systèmes dynamiques d'interaction avec l'humain : Apprentissage par renforcement profond pour des traversées piétonnes sûres et efficaces
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Abdeljalil Abbas-Turki (UTBM, France) , Alexandre Lombard (UTBM, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2024 | Théveneau Maxime |
Contribution au projet e-Start
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Franche-Comté, France
Director or supervisor: Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) |
3 | Director of PhD Students | 2025 | Outemzabet Zineb Leila |
Intelligence Artificielle explicable pour la découverte et la validation de cibles thérapeutiques
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées, Université de Bourgogne, France
Directors and supervisors: Aurélie Bertaux (uB, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2014 | Durif Thomas |
Environnement informé sémantiquement enrichi pour la simulation multi-agents : application à la simulation en environnement virtuel 3D
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Christophe Nicolle (uB, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2013 | Lin Yishuai |
An organizational ontology for multiagent-based Enterprise process modeling and automation – Application to SCRUM
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Vincent Hilaire (UTBM, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) |
4 | Supervisor of PhD Students | 2012 | Razavi Seyed Naser |
A Holonic Multilevel Multi-agent Model for Real-time Simulation of Large Complex Systems: Application to Crowd Simulation
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport, Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Directors and supervisors: Abderrafiaa Koukam (UTBM, France) , Nasser Mozayani (IUST, Iran) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2022 | Davey Andrew |
Design and implementation of a multiagent simulator for aerial drones
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) , Sebastian Rodriguez (RMIT, Australia) |
6 | Director of Master Students or Engineers | 2022 | Walujkar Shreyas |
Design and implementation of a multiagent simulator for green traffic
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Directors and supervisors: Stéphane Galland (UTBM, France) , Nicolas Gaud (UTBM, France) , Sebastian Rodriguez (RMIT, Australia) |
PhD Thesis
Date | Name | Details |
2016-2019 | Thomas PIOTROWSKI |
Model-driven multiagent approach for the simulation in mixed reality universe. Application to prototyping and validation of embedded algorithms in ground vehicles..
PhD Thesis, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard. Supervisors:
September 2013-August 2016 | Cedric BOITTIN |
ANR CITiES : Calibration and valIdation of Transport – land-usE modelS.
PhD Thesis, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET). Supervisors:
2011-2014 | Thomas Durif |
Study and modeling of automatic mechanisms for rules and profile enrichment by behavior and context learning. Application to the development of mobile agents in a 3D environment.
PhD Thesis, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET), Laboratoire Electronique, Informatique et Image (University of Bourgogne, France). Supervisors:
2010-2013 | Yishuai LIN |
An organizational ontology for multiagent-based Enterprise process modeling and automation – Application to SCRUM.
PhD Thesis, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET). Supervisors:
2009-2012 | Seyed Naser RAZAVI |
A Holonic Multilevel Multi-agent Model for Real-time Simulation of Large Complex Systems: Application to Crowd Simulation.
PhD Thesis, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET), Soft COmputing and Multi Agent System Laboratory (Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran). Supervisors:
Visiting PhD
Date | Name | Details |
October 2014-December 2014 | Pedro Bernabe Araujo |
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Application to the creation of a CASE tool.
Visiting PhD Student, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET), Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Informáticas Avanzadas (GITIA) at the Tucumán Regional of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (FRT-UTN, Tucumán, Argentina). Supervisors:
September 2013-February 2014 | Flavio Montoro |
Holonic multiagent models for AGV dispatching.
Visiting PhD Student, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET), Laboratório de Pesquisa e Inovação em Tecnologias e Estratégias de Automação ([ TEAR], Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil). Supervisors:
Master of Research
Date | Name | Details |
March 2013-August 2013 | Cedric BOITTIN |
ANR CITiES : Calibration and valIdation of Transport – land-usE modelS.
Master Research, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET). Supervisor:
February 2012-July 2012 | Jérémie Bourseau |
Sociologically inspired model for the simulation of group behavior in urban environment.
Master Research, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (IRTES-SET). Supervisor:
Rank | Position | Year | Candidate | Description |
21 | Reviewer of a PhD in France | 2024 | Logosha Elizaveta |
Optimisation du parcours commercial et estimation de la valeur verte d'un logement
Université de Technologie de Troyes, France
Current Teaching Activities
- IF2 – Algorithmics and C programming Language, Level I (first-year students, undergraduates)
- LO21/LO27 – Algorithmics and C programming Language, Level II (second-year students, undergraduates)
- IF3 – Introduction to embedded programming and the Internet of Things
- AI51 – Multiagent systems and simulation (Master level, graduates)
- GL52 – Software Engineering (Master level, graduates)